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Volume 10 | Issue 3

Putting it in context

A message from CDC Integrated Services, LLC

The Power of Mediation


In the intricate web of business relationships, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable. Whether it’s a contractual dispute, a clash of interests, or a breakdown in communication, organizations must navigate these challenges effectively. Enter mediation is a powerful yet often underutilized tool that is key to unlocking solutions. In this essay, we explore the benefits of mediation, its relevance in today’s corporate landscape, and practical insights for successful implementation.

Why Mediation Matters

1. Both sides win

Mediation is a process that works outside the legal system. It is a process through which those in conflict can resolve the underlying dispute by identifying options that advance each party’s underlying needs. The goal of mediation is not to determine who is right and who is wrong or who wins or loses. The goal of this process is to find mutually agreeable solutions.

Mediation allows the parties to use objective criteria and data and promotes an environment where parties actively participate in crafting solutions. Unlike litigation, which promotes an adversarial approach, mediation gives the power to solve the problem to those most directly impacted by the dispute. In a recent article, the writer emphasized how empowered participants feel by stating…” When individuals have a say in the resolution, they are more likely to embrace it. Satisfaction breeds cooperation, and cooperation fuels productivity”.

2. Time and Cost Savings

Traditional litigation can drag on for months or even years. Courtrooms become battlegrounds, draining resources and distracting from core business functions. Mediation, however, often takes no more than a day or two but rarely more than a week. The reduced time to resolve disputes through mediation works because of the mediator’s role in this process.

The mediator uses a series of questions that allows the parties to test various options and proposals, and the objective, data-driven focus encourages the parties to address interests in place of positions. In this manner, the mediator can encourage the parties to their thinking and proposals and encourage them to focus on their interests rather than their positions. A mediator can often lead the parties to a mutually agreed-upon outcome, even in complex business disputes by focusing on interests.

The principle difference between mediation and litigation is the outcome. The majority of disputes in a business environment occur because of a conflict or series of conflicts over the who, what, when, and how of a business deal, or a business process, or a combination of the two. More often than not, the desired outcome is the preservation of the relationship or the process, and mediation is the one dispute resolution methodology that protects the relationship and/or the process where the conflict arose.

This dispute resolution approach streamlines the conflict resolution process and allows organizations to reclaim valuable time and redirect it toward strategic pursuits, and as a consequence, promotes lasting solutions and mitigates or prevents future conflicts.

3. Confidentiality and Privacy

Mediation occurs behind closed doors. Unlike public court proceedings, sensitive information remains protected. Parties can speak candidly without fear of public scrutiny. This confidentiality encourages open dialogue, creative problem-solving, and the exploration of innovative solutions.

The negotiation between and among the parties in conflict is within the mediation process. It is axiomatic that confidentiality is critical to the examination by the parties of the specific issues and the decisions being considered. Confidentiality is essential to:

  • Protecting sensitive information. The parties trust each other with information that, used improperly, can lead to a loss of competitive advantage, damage to other business relatonships, and other negative consequences.
  • Building trust. The negotiations inside the mediation process can build trust between the parties and create the confidence to be more open to alternative solutions. It is often a crucial aspect of negotiations, and confidentiality agreements are often part of the overall settlement agreement.
  • It should be noted that settlement agreements are not automatically binding, as is the case in arbitration, but confidentiality agreements are legally binding.

4. Customized Solutions

Mediators can never learn as much about the issues being disputed as those most directly involved, and as such, the mediator’s goal is to remain neutral and not take sides. In addition, every dispute is different. Mediation recognizes this reality and is structured accordingly. A neutral mediator facilitates discussions, allowing parties to tailor agreements to their unique circumstances. Whether it’s a complex merger negotiation or a workplace conflict, mediation adapts to the situation’s specific needs. The truism “one size does not fit all” is the reality that every mediator understands.

5. Preserving Relationships

Unlike litigation or arbitration, which are processes designed to apportion blame/responsibility, those who choose mediation are trying to save the business relationship. Disputes between companies damage the relationship they are building. Similarly, disputes inside companies damage the relationships between individuals and departments.

I’ve read several articles that describe business relationships as “delicate ecosystems”. I don’t agree. What exists between companies and inside companies are environments that are naturally unstable. Far too few understand that all human interactions are dynamic, and that means that all human structures are dynamic, which invites instability.

If we walk away from every relationship that goes wrong, we will accomplish very little. That is why mediation encourages parties to find common ground, meet halfway, and seek compromise. Just as we might with a close friend, we weigh the importance of the relationship against the issue at hand. Sometimes, preserving goodwill matters more than winning the argument.

The Art of Asking Questions

Effective mediation begins with asking open-ended questions and not asking questions that narrow the focus too quickly.  Here are four keys to guide your inquiry:

  1. Set the Tone: The tone of your questions can significantly impact the conversation. To foster a constructive atmosphere, be deliberate in your choice of words. Avoid accusatory language and instead seek understanding. For example, instead of asking, “Why did you do that?” It is better to ask, “What was it about the issues that led to that decision?” This approach will encourage the other person to open up, share their perspective, and focus on the data.
  2. Promote Positive Responses: The questions asked influence how the other party responds. To encourage open discussion and empathy, developing questions that show you are interested in understanding their perspective is important. Avoid offering or proposing solutions before  taking the time to understand their point of view. For example, instead of asking “Have you tried this solution?” you could ask “What solutions have you tried so far? What worked and what didn’t?

    1. Avoid the Deal Breaker: Some questions hold the power to make or break a deal. Identify these critical points early in the conversation. If there is a non-negotiable issue, address it directly. For example, if you are negotiating a contract and there is a specific clause that is essential to your needs, make sure to bring it up early in the conversation. This will help avoid wasting time on negotiations that are unlikely to succeed.
    2. Decision-Makers: Understanding who holds decision-making authority is crucial. Tailor your questions accordingly. Sometimes, the person in the room isn’t the ultimate decision-maker. For example, if you are pitching a new idea to a group of people, make sure to ask who has the final say in the decision-making process. This will help you understand who you need to convince and what their priorities are.

      All disputes start out small and escalate.  I touch on this truth in several of my earlier articles. Some disputes can linger for a long time hiding just beneath the surface, making themselves known with periodic eruptions; much like a guyser. However, most follow a traditional trajectory from disagreement, to dispute. You can read more about this progression in my book – The Point of Convergence: A Path to Understanding Conflict Resolution. It is available on Amazon. Remember the progression. At the point of disagreement it is possible to build consensus, which of course takes time. When that isn’t done, the opportunity is gone. All the other steps; argument, conflict, dispute require compromise. At every stage to reach an agreement requires compromise. Think back to personal disagreements—those moments when pride clashed with reason. Was the issue truly significant in the long run? Could you have met halfway without compromising your principles?

      Now apply this to business relationships. No two companies will see eye to eye on everything. Our individual differences create friction, but they also offer opportunities for growth. Mediation is a way of bridging the gap. It allows us to find common ground, explore win-win scenarios, and preserve relationships.

      So, when confronted with a disagreement, let’s not “lock horns.” Instead, let’s prioritize common sense over ego. Mediation—the bridge between discord and resolution—awaits our embrace.


      As senior leaders, you hold the power to transform conflicts into opportunities. Mediation isn’t just a process; it’s a mindset. By asking the right questions, fostering collaboration, and seeking customized solutions, you pave the way for a harmonious business ecosystem. Let’s unlock solutions together—one conversation at a time.

      Food for Thought:  Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional”.  (Max Lucado)

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