CDC Integrated Services is a conflict solutions company that bridges the divide between companies and individuals in conflict. We are trained professionals dedicated to providing clients with the tools and processes to defeat difficult disputes.

Conflict Resolution
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Guide For Leaders
The Monday Morning Morning Checklist
A book that offers a different perspective; a new set of lenses to make things clearer.
Leaders of companies and organizations of any complexity or size never have enough time. You know how to lead and that is why you are in the position you hold. So what will you find inside the cover of this guide?
This book offers a set of guidelines for leaders who face a demanding environment every day. Individuals who have responsibility for a significant number of people and resources do not need training in being a leader. They do need to take advantage of any opportunity that helps them manage the scarcest resource of all – time.
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The Leader’s Dilemma
The Battle For Ethics and Integrity In The Workplace
A battle is being waged today over the meaning of ethics and integrity. Within our culture, fissures and cracks are creating stresses that individuals and organizations struggle to resolve each day. On one side are those who would re-define ethics and integrity to mean something significantly different from their original meanings. On the other side are leaders of all kinds who seek to defend and strengthen the cultures of the organizations they lead.
CEO’s and other senior leaders confront threats to their businesses that go beyond the forces of competition. The leaders of modern companies and other organizations face threats to the very culture that defines their organizations, the way they do business, and the way they interact with customers and stakeholders.
The story playing out in the pages of this book is that this battle is underway, and the call to action is to recognize it, act on it, and win the battle for ethics and integrity in your company.
The Point of Convergence:
A Path to Understanding Conflict Resolution
Most of us know resolving conflict is hard to do, and all of us can provide several reasons why it’s difficult. Each day leaders, managers, and employees face any number of problems in the workplace. Even the most experienced are not comfortable dealing with conflict.
Almost everyone struggles to successfully resolve conflict because of the obstacles created by myths, misperceptions, and ever-present conventional wisdom. In nearly every company, these are just some of the reasons that create the fear of doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing, and as a consequence, disputes go unresolved. The uncertainties around conflict often add to the conflict.
This book examines those traditional perceptions about conflict resolution and provides a pathway for successfully breaking down these uncertainties. The higher one is in an organization, the more critical this skill becomes. This book guides the reader through a process that creates a greater opportunity for success in resolving workplace conflict.
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From Our Founder
Disabled Veteran Owned Company
Mr. Cooper is an experienced arbitrator and mediator and provides these and other conflict management services to industry and government agencies.
Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial and Labor Relations
Certified Arbitrator
Certified Mediator